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Five Reasons Production Accountants Love MediaWeb

Original publish date: May 13, 2014

As a full-service production payroll provider for over 35 years, we’ve gathered a lot of feedback from our clients about what they’re looking for in a production accounting system. That’s how we developed MediaWeb, our best-in-class accounting software for the film and TV industry.

Here are just five reasons production accountants have given us for why their shows go more smoothly when they get to work with MediaWeb.

1. eProduction Office.
Old-school paper Purchase Orders have to be locked up, signed out and tracked, only to get lost somewhere between two departments while you’re trying to collect signatures. eProduction Office, a freestanding application that comes standard with MediaWeb, allows crew members from different departments to fill out PO’s and then have them auto-emailed to everyone who needs to sign off. You control who has access and signing rights.

MediaWeb eProduction Office

Best of all, when the PO is approved, you can import it right into MediaWeb to hit your budget. No double entry required!

2. Custom import of PO’s, J/E’s and American Express records.
Easily import data into your Purchase Order and Journal Entry modules. We’ll give you a custom spreadsheet that’s mapped to your Chart of Accounts, for seamless imports. Also enjoy a simple import of your production’s American Express card data, standard.

3. 100% browser-based – no software to download.
Unlike other online production accounting systems, MediaWeb is truly 100% web-based, accessible via any browser and platform. That means you can log into our easy-to-use interface whenever and wherever you need to, without having additional software installed on each machine you use.

4. Use up to four free fields to track incentives and more.
Easily track multi-level production tax incentives or any other qualified data sets with up to four free fields. Track qualified and unqualified labor, expenditures, rentals, etc.

5. Change your Cost Report on the fly.
Bring your iPad to your next Cost Report meeting, and make changes to your Estimated Final Costs right there as you get them. No need to take notes and re-enter the adjustments when you get back to your desk – MediaWeb makes it easy.

MediaWeb Production Accounting Software on iPad

Learn more about MediaWeb on our website. We’re happy to set you up with a free demo, so you can log in and see for yourself how user-friendly an accounting platform can be. Just give us a call at 310.471.9317.

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